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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  September 4, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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rachel: was it as bad as you thought? will: it's terrible. [laughter] ♪ ♪ sean: good sunday morning, everyone, and welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm sean duffy in for maria bartiromo. america is at a critical crossroads facing issues from out of control inflation to the southern border crisis, to the growing threat of china. on thursday president biden took to the stage in prime time not to address these issues, but to focus on maga and republicans in a speech that was the exact opposite prosecuten one he delivered on -- from the one he delivered on inauguration day. >> we can see each other not as
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add very says, but -- adversaries, but as neighbors. we can join forces. stop shouting and lower the temperature. without unity there is no peace. only bitterness and fury. there's no question that the republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by donald trump and the maga republicans. and that is a threat to this country. sean: coming up, utah republican congressman burgess owens. plus, the continuing fallout over the fbi'sen unprecedented raid on former president trump's raid in florida. the 45th president speaking last night. >> it was not just my home that was raided last month, it was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who i've been fighting for since the moment i came down the golden escalator -- [cheers and applause]
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in 2015. wanting to represent the people, wanting to stop the massive corruption of the country and determined to finally in this world put america first. sean: house intel committee member mike gallagher is here with the analysis on the fbi raid and the latest on the federal investigation into hunter biden's business dealings. then, texas governor greg abbott's busing program adds a third destination for migrants who cross the southern border illegally, drawing a sharp rebuke from one of those mayors despite support for biden's lax border policy. >> governor abbott has confirmed what, unfortunately, many of us had already are known, that he is a man without any morals, humanity or shame. if. sean: texas republican congresswoman beth van duyne joins us on that and the deadly impact fentanyl smuggling across the southern border is having on communities around the country.
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plus, just 64 days remain until them in accounts -- democrats have to answer to voters. a virginia congressional candidate seeks to unseat a two-term democrat who has voted with biden's policies 100% of the time. that's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ sean: we begin this sunday morning with the continued fallout over the fbi's unprecedented raid on former president trump's home. on mid the justice department filed a more detailedded list of what they seized including dozens of documents and folder s with classified marking s. this comes as a federal judge is deciding a request from trump's legal team whether to appoint a special master to review those items seized by the fbi. here now is ranking member on the house intel committee with mike turner -- mike turner with
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maria last week. maria: who is in charge here? is this the the same group who oversaw crossfire hurricane and the efforts to take trump down over the lie being collusion? do we mow who directed the fbi to do this raid in. >> you know, maria, that's what's so important about this upcoming election in november. if the republicans win the house, obviously, that's going to include the investigatory powers we need to get to the bottom of this. we need to know who's directing these things at the fbi, who decided to not use other options to obtain these documents and to raid former president trump's home. who decided to go to the media and say there's disinformation from the media coming, stop reporting on these issues that might be damaging to then-candidate biden. sean: joining us now is wisconsin republican congressman mike gallagher. he's a member of both the intel committee and the armed services committee. congressman gallagher, good to see you. we have the fbi that seized over a thousand documents that didn't
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have classifieded markings on them. they had news articles. we saw they put out this saged photo from inside -- staged photo from inside trump's home. what's your take on the behavior of the fbi in this trump raid in. >> well, i agree with ranking member turner in that there just has not been enough transparency. for something of this magnitude, something unprecedented, you would expect the fbi and the doj to go to great lengths to insure they are conducting themselves with the highest level of professionalism, but they never notifieded our committee -- which you would expect them to do if, indeed, there was a danger posed by the classified material that was the in donald trump's possession. never contacted our committee and instead we have to learn about this stuff through the leaks that presumably they're feeding to the liberal media. that's unacceptable, and i think that further increases the skepticism that your average, common sense american who's not obsessed with politics has about
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all of this. of course, it comes amidst the backdrop of recent failures on behalf of fbi and doj leadership that really get to the heart of their credibility and the trust that americans have in those is institutions. most notably, of course, you had the fact that the fbi relied upon unverified and what we now know to be unaccurate opposition research funded by the clinton campaign to spy on the trump campaign and abuse the fisa process. and as of yet, no one's been held accountable, sean. no one has been held accountable for that massive abuse of power. i think that is the initial thing that caused a lot of people to lose faith in these institutions. also the head of the doj, merrick garland, right, who the liberal media assured us was a safe, slam dunk moderate pick, well, merrick garland weaponized the power of the doj to go after parents concerned at school
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board meetings and labeling them domestic terrorists. and then, of course, you have all these agencies currently being controlled by a president, pride, who just went on prime time tv and labeled everyone in the republican party, effectively, a domestic extremist. that is the reason why i think the average american, the common sense wisconsinite is so skeptical. if they move forward with an indictment, sean, my gosh, i think that is a very dangerous road to to go down because that average american is going to look at the way hillary clinton was treated and see the double standard, sean, because, of course, comey established a new standard there. sean: he did, and that standard for hillary clinton does not apply to donald trump: and i think it's interesting, you know, you have fbi -- again, they spent four years going after donald trump, you know, harassing him, nothing was there. they then raid his home. they don't have the common decency to tell the intel committee what they're doing, but they have more respect for the left-wing media in which
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they leak to. i'm wondering if things are going to start getting cleaned up because we heard news that fbi agent tim thibault, reports he was the fbi agent who was stonewalling the hunter biden investigation. he's out now, he says he retired. do you see as the fbi cleaning house or covering its back side? >> well, i hate to say it, based on, you know, what i've seen in the last six years, i peer it's the latter. -- fear it's the latter. a cya move, if you will, sean, rather than cleaning house and taking corrective action. when i came into congress in 2017, i came from an intelligence background. there are marines i served with who are now law enforcement officials, fbi agents. i have profound respect for the rank and file of the fbi, that special agent who's doing a very difficult job. but i think their leadership is failing them. and if there are things that i didn't think would be possible six years ago that now i think are possible in terms of
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leadership failures. and so there are other things that contribute to this pattern. for example, when a deranged leftist tried to kill members of congress at baseball practice in 2017, the fbi did an investigation. never interviewed any of the republicans that were actually there that day, just basic professional failures which is why i think even those rank and file fbi agents are starting to lose faith in their own leadership. so we have to clean it up. it's gown to be up to -- going to be up to a republican majority to hold these agencies accountable, because we need the american people to trust federal law enforcement. there are very important jobs that they do, and is right now that trust is fraying, sean. accountability is very much on the ballot come november. sean: but, mike, accountability comes through transparency, and you see the kind of respect the fbi and doj has, it doesn't exist s. so the only way i think the congress is going to get compliance from the fbi and doj to have that transparency is if you hold money over their head.
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the congress has power of the pursestrings. if you don't tie your oversight effort to cash for the fbi and doj to fund them, i don't think they're going to -- do you think the congress will tie that money to the fbi on the oversight committees? >> well, i totally agree with that, and i do, sean, i do. we've had extensive discussions about using a practice called fencing which is basically you kind of draw appropriations or authorization fence around various pots of money in order to compel whether it's the fbi or the cia or the nsa to give you information that you are demanding. it's the a shame that you actually have to do that, but that is what's necessary. the other thing i think we have to use more effectively, sean, is our subpoena power. because it's not just fisa abuse and the immediate for fisa -- need for fisa reforms, it extends to various are other executive branch agencies, right? for example, no one's been held accountable for the shameful
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surrender and ineptitude we i saw on display in afghanistan last year. fauci hasn't been held accountable for the multiple lies he told lout the pandemic. there are all sorts of areas where we have to go through each executive branch agency and start to demand basic a answers, and until we have subpoena power and the willingness to wield it effectively, we're not going to get those answers. so we have to use that, we have to use the power of the purse more effectively to get basic transparency and, again, start to restore competence and trust in these agencies before it's too late. sean: you know, mike, i served in congress with you for a number of terms. the problem that i see is don can trump won, you know, you put your cabinet in place, but you have these deep staters that will fight an administration tooth and nail. you can't implement your agenda because the leftist deep staters can't lose their jobs.
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they're protected by unions. i i think we have to do something so a new administration can come in and fire those who don't get onboard for the new agenda. >> welsh sean, as you know well, of course, you make the fundamental distinction between private sector unions, and we know these groups in wisconsin, you work with them, you know, the carpenters, the pipe fitters, the road builders, the operating engineers, blue collar, hard working guys who invest an enormous -- sean: good people. >> right. and they should be angry, by the way, about biden magically forgiving up to $30 billion in student -- 30 billion in student loan -- 300 billion. private sector unions, we have a good friendship with them, no problem with them at all, make the distinction with public sector unions. i think it's fair to say that they distort the democratic process, because in many cases, particularly teachers unions, they funnel money into political campaigns and so the legislators
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are dependent on them for political donations. it makes no sense. i'm reminded of something that happened in my freshman term in congress. we passed a law that gave the secretary of the v.a. the ability to fire people because we had a series of scandals at the v.a. at the time i thought, wait, he doesn't already have that authority? [laughter] he doesn't have the authority to fire people? but it's true. and even with that authority, it's so hard to fire people because the union sues you. and how would that work in the private sector? you have to be able to fire employees that aren't performing, right? if otherwise your government job becomes a lifetime contract -- sean: hey, mike, if you want to change government through elections, you've got to be able to change the inner workings of the are elections. mike gallagher, always smart. thanks for joining me. >> thank you. sean: coming up, americans continue to dig deeper into their bank accounts to pay more for essential items. utah republican congressman burgess with owens joins us on
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the impact biden's tax and spend agenda is having on the country. ♪ ♪ aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. before we begin, i'd like to thank our sponsor, liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. and by switching, you could even save $652. thank you, liberty mutual. now, contestants ready? go! why? why? only pay for what you need.
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♪ maria: congressman, president biden made this bizarre claim this week that inflation is at zero. who is going to get taxed from this massive spending plan? your thoughts. >> let me tell you, for one, this administration makes all kinds of weird statements. they said that the original build back better bill would cost zero as well, but it cost $5.1 trillion. i would tell him to talk to any hard working american and to see what they think inflation is. in fact, they know that going to the grocery store everything's costing more: sean: that was jason smith, ranking member of the house budget committee, on the impact president biden's tax and spend policies are having on the country. inflation is hovering at a 40-year high at 8.5%, and americans are feeling the sting, paying more on everyday
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essential items from gasoline to milk and eggs and electricity. on thursday "the new york times" reported that a growing number of americans are taking out loans just to buy groceries. here now on the economic dilemma many people are facing on a daily basis is utah republican congressman burgess owens who sits on the education and labor committees. congressman, good to see you. set me straight on this. so you see the fed, they're raising rates to deal with inflation, and at the very same time you have house and senate democrats are with biden spending way more money, pouring the fuel on inflation. this is psychotic. fed's working to address it, dems are working to make it worse. >> thank you, sean. first of all, great interview with mike. let me tell you i've learned in the last year and a half, and this is something i think americans need to kind of embrace. what you're seeing is not a lack of common sense, it's no purpose. we have to understand we have a
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hard left of the democratic party who care less about any of us americans. democrats, republicans, independents, they use misery as a political strategy. what we're seeing here with inflation is not only an attack on the poor, but an attack on the middle class. it's a way to get americans to feel hopeless, to lean further into dependency on the government. and i'm telling you as a black more than who's seen over the last 60 years, i'm here to serve as a warning board. it's the same thing they've of done to my community, to the hispanic community, to the american indian they're trying to do to our country. that is, troy our faith in our future -- destroy our faith in our future, get us hopeless and destroy particularly the middle class and business ownership. know this is who the hard left is. they hate what we stand for, and we have to make sure we understand that and is fight against them big item time. sean: congressman, the democrats say they care about the little guy, but to your point, these policies half a brought us more flakes has been -- have brought
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us more inflation have been destroying the success of middle class americans. we have an election coming many november. the number one issue voters say they care about is inflation, so do you think voters will hold them to account and bring more republicans in which means more common sense on the issue of inflation? >> absolutely. and i'll tell you how we're going to do that. we have a remarkably strategic and smart leadership in the house. this last year as a conference we've been discussing a task force what the american people really want. in the next two to, three weekes, we're going to come out with a plan of what we intend to do, and we're going to give americans hope. and i say this, i'm talking to all americans, democrats, inend dependents, republicans. we all feel the same way when we get into this common denominator or misery. and in the next few weeks, look for the republican party to come out with a commitment that will allow americans to say this is
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what we stand for. it's going to shine so much more light and hope to the american people. again, look at the divisiveness, anger, hopelessness, we're going to see the difference in the two parties and, believe me, this there will be a red wave, and the american people will actually show what we're all about, what our dna has always been about, and it's freedom. i'm excited about the opportunity. we'll see that in the coming weeks, for sure. sean: meanwhile, president biden is focusing his energy on maga and republicans. is that the best use of his time with the number of pressing issues facing the country? we'll examine next again with burgess owens. ♪
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>> as i stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under
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assault. we do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise. too much of what's happening in if our country today is not normal. donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. maga republicans have made their choice. they have embraced anger, they thrive on chaos. they live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. sean: that's president biden delivering a prime time address on thursday which focused on maga republicans, not the number of critical issues pacing the country. and we're back with u.s. republican -- utah republican congressman burgess owens. congressman, you look at that speech, and it was rageful, he was trying to instill fear in the american people. this red backdrop. what was your takeaway on the speech? >> very dark. and let me help you understand, americans out there, they are afraid of the brand make america
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great again. they hate that brand because it works. so so let me tell you what that really means for those of us who love our country. it means simply an economy that's strong, a nation that's safe and government that's accountable and a future that's free. that is what the american people want. that's what america looks like. and let me tell you something, sean, i'm excited about this is across the board. i have a pac that's americans, it's blacks, it's hispanics, women, business owners, veterans, those of us who in the past might not have sat at the table but have always had this dream, this vision, that once we bring our communities back, we'll bring our country back. we're the people, we're the communities that can be one voice to say that this ideology hurts and demeans and destroys anything that it touches. we're not afraid of the name calling as long as you call us americans, and i love the fact that it will change the
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narrative forever for what the heft is trying to do to to our country, our party. we will be the party that shows americans come in every size, background and creed and color, but we love our nation. we share that in common, and that's the way we're going to move forward. they're afraid of the maga brand, for sure. sean: yeah, you lay out with maga is -- what maga is, it's the of loving your flag, pate patriotism, loving your work. with that take you have joe biden saying, you know, maga republicans, they're a threat to democracy. but all the while you had democrat donors give $46 million to democrat candidates that are maga-aligned. make sense of that for me. >> well, it's because they hi they're the sharpest tools in the box, and they've done this once before and made a big mistake. there's a lack of wisdom when he's a lack of god. their idea was to do the same hinge with donald can trump. remember that one? they gave him all kinds of exposure, and he was the one
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they were going to handle him with clinton. it didn't turn out that way, because the american people get it. we're looking for courage when it comes down to fighting against these hard leftists. and can i say, sean, to my democratic friends, the left are using you too. it doesn't matter what your party line is. they will destroy anyone who does not fall in line and does not become feint on them. understand -- dependent on them. understand, we need the fight against the hard left. in november we turn the corner and get ourselves going back in the right direction, for sure. sean: yeah, it's a toxic ideology. i want to get your take on this, you're on the education and work force committee. the education department came out and said we've had a drop in reading and math scores for our 9-year-olds, down 5 and 7 points. what does that mean for our kids? what does that mean for america? what's your take, and what can congress do? >> again, it's on purpose. we'll get this back. we'll have educational freedom coming into this new congress. we finally have a country that's
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empathetic now across the board. those in the past are going to have to be concerned about this, can now understand what the poor and the lower middle class are dealing with. this is our moment. but let's not be surprised, by the way. in 2017 the department of education of california came with the fact that 75 of the black -- 75% of the black boys could not pass reading and writing tests. this is their decision to make sure our kids are not prepared the. it's on purpose, and we need to make sure we're educated, we're hopeful, critical thinking, that we love our country. that's what the new education -- and i'm excited about being on this committee. i will be the chairman of the pre-k-12 educational work force. i cannot wait for americans to see what options we give to our kids and to our parents who want their kids to be competitive and the best in the world. sean: congressman, i hope you guys look at this idea that came out in arizona that says, you know what? the money's going to go with the family and the child.
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if you have a school that's teaching, you know, your second grader about sex and they're teaching racism in your school, you can take your kid out and go to a school that's going to teach them, you know, math and science and english. you get the choice though as a parent. you get your money. i hope that republicans will push in the congress what happened in arizona. what say you? >> sean, you know it, my friend, it's called educational freedom. sean: yes. >> we have the freedom to buy and go to any hotel, any fast food, we should have freedom for our kids. sean: yes with, we should. >> money in their backpack is the funding for them to go anywhere they want to. let the free market put this in place. those who want to destroy our kids will eventually go out of question. sean: 100%, i hope you guys work on that. congressman owens, thank you for joining me. >> thank you, sean. sean: the impact president biden's border policies are having on communities across the country. texas republican congresswoman beth van duyne on that and the
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♪ ♪ maria: i keep seeing situations that are worse than the time before. assesses where we are today in terms of in this wide open border. >> listen, because of biden's open border policies, it does nothing but create even more chaos down here. you hear the stories about the farmers and ranchers whose properties are being overrun.
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you hear about the neighborhoods that are being overrun, the way that people in communities are so fearful. and that's exactly why we're having to step up and take action. sean: that was texas governor greg abbott appearing with maria at the fox nation border summit last month. over 2 the million people have already crossed the southern border illegally this fiscal year with over 1.3 million of them listed as single adults. with with resources at a breaking point for many communities along the the texas-mexico border, governor abbott has launched operation lone star which has seen migrants bussed to new york, washington and, just last week, chicago. the mayors of those cities are not pleased with the influx of migrants despite supporting biden's lax border policies. joining us now is texas republican congresswoman beth van duyne, previously the mayor of irving, texas. beth, good to see you. i want your take on this busing program because when governor abbott first came out with it, i thought it was kind of a joke and a gimmick.
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but you, frankly, are seeing the responses from these a mayors saying, you know what? we love open borders, we love migrantses, but all of a sudden they're like greg abbott's a horrible human being and why is he sending us migrants. >> well, exactly to your point, welcome to what we have been living with for years and why you have heard so many of us that are in border states speaking out against all of the illegal migrants that are coming over our border. we are looking at increases in fentanyl, we are looking at increases in crime, we are looking at increases on our public systems that we can't handle. and i think governor abbott, by serving them to places like new york and d.c. and chicago -- who are the most critical and the most hateful of our leadership here speaking out against them -- are now getting a taste of what we feel. you look at new york, we had 900 illegal immigrants, and they want to declare a state of emergency. folks, we've had over 2 million come in over this last year
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alone. how do you think the rest of us feel? i find it oddly hypocritical, but at least now they're having to deal with what we see on a daily basis. sean: beth, i want to play a sound for you because this is border patrol chief raul ortiz in july talking about why we're seeing this large amount of migrants coming into the country. take a listen. >> if you don't have consequences, what is likely going to happen? >> objection. >> in my experience, in this my experience we have seen increases when there are no consequence, okay? >> so if migrant populations believe that they're going -- there are not going to be consequences, they will -- more of them will come to the border, is that what you're saying? >> objection. >> there is an assumption that if migrant op populations are told that there's the potential that they may be released that, yes, you can see increases.
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sean: congresswoman, we're hearing chief ortiz tell us what we all know. listen, if there's no consequences at the southern border, you think you can come in and become an american citizen, all you have to do is walk across the border, get a free ticket to somewhere in the country, of course you're going to come. it's just common sense. maybe it would help if joe biden or kamala harris or democrats in congress would go to the southern border and see how tragic the border actually is. >> well, ortiz has been there will for 31 years. he has seen the good and bad. and it's not just an assumption that more people will come over, we're seeing it. it's been proven out. look at since biden has taken over. we have had the highest amount of illegal immigrants crossing our border than ever in our history. it's not an assumption. when you take away every tool in the toolbox that immigration and customs enforcement have at their disposal, when you actively go after our remain in mexico policy that was working, when you actively destroy the policies set up like title 42
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under the last administration that were controlling the number of people coming over our border, it's not an assumption that you're going to have more people, it's an invitation. and we are seeing it on a daily basis. sean: you know, you hear conversation every state is a border state. i was doing "kudlow" last week, and i was talking to the governor of alaska saying, listen, we're a border state because the flow of fentanyl, we're hearing that cartels are ramping up production, they're getting the chemicals from china, they're now coloring the fentanyl pills with all kinds of colors to make it look like candy to target our kids. and you have an administration that sits back as kids are dying in america, in essence saying we don't care. >> that's exactly what they're saying. i mean, they're saying we don't care that the human traffickers are coming over, the sex traffic aers are coming over. they're saying they don't care to the people who are coming through mexico who are being raped on a daily basis. they don't care. they don't even bother to go down there and see it.
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they don't bother to discuss what are the plans to be able to stop it. it's not until people who have had support of the democratic party like mayor lightfoot in chicago start speaking about it that they'll even address it. you think about the increase in crime that we're see, the increase in deaths that we're seeing, that has to be addressed because, you're right, it used to be border states. now every single state in this country is a border state. and you know what? if we have to have buses that are going to those states and going to those cities to prove it, you know, it's amazing what happens when it's in your own backyard. sean: you know, we can see what happens with drug overdoses and, you know, people dying, people who are addicted. we see that. you see the crimes on your streets. that's noticeable. what you don't see is what happens to wages for low income workers when you bring in millions of low skilled workers to compete. wages don't rise, actually, you have more competition, and those
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wages fall making more americans in this bottom rung of the economy poorer, not richer from illegal immigration. finish. >> at the same time, you're also seeing what's happening with gas prices and inflation is a direct result of the economic policies from this administration. sean: right. >> again, they just don't seem to care. they are much more concerned about protecting the heats in washington -- elites in washington. how much time has biden spent now on cay vacation? how much time and money, taxpayer dollars, is he spending building a wall around his summer home as to opposed to building a wall at our southern border? sean: i thought walls don't work. but he's building one around his summer place in delaware? >> exactly. sean: right. >> here's the problem we're seeing, increased crime and also increased crime across the world. i got back yesterday, last night, from a tripp to singapore and cambodia, and i was many south korea last month. what we're seeing is a complete
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void in leadership across the world. during the last administration, we were focused on peace, on peace policies. i mean, think about the peace agreements that the trump administration was able to work out in the middle east. if the focus on american energy independence and able to help our allies across do world -- the world. think about the focus on our economic policies that brought more manufacturing back to the u.s. that helped enable our national security. we're not seeing this. we've got a huge void of leadership. over and over again what we were seeing is countries that are now having to rely on china as opposedded to the u.s., because china is filling that void. a strong u.s. means a strong world. a strong u.s. economy means a strong iser world and more world peace. what we're seeing while i was over there is biden on stage attacking half of americans for being fascists while totally ignore being the fascist dictatorships that his administration is empowering. i saw it firsthand.
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we're going to continue to see it until we see an overturn in november where we're going to have republican leadership. sean: congressman, i only have 30 seconds left. are you saying on your trip to asia, the leaders were saying we want a strong america because if america's not strong, there's a void, and that void is being filled by china and, frankly, we'd love if america would step up and be strong again? is that the message in. >> exactly what they're saying. there's a void in leadership. domestically we've seen it, the increase in crime, in fentanyl deaths, in illegals coming to our country, and we're also seeing it now globally. and what this president chooses to talk about and focus on is not global trade agreements, is not what we're doing can to strengthen our national security. what he's focused on is defining what a man is and attacking half of americans. sean: it's interesting, a strong america is good for america, but a strong america is good for the rest of the world. bring that message back.
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beth van duyne, thank you for joining me. i appreciate it. >> thank you. sean: coming up, we're just 64 days away from voters delivering their verdict on biden's presidency with control of congress at stake. congressional candidate yes, sirli vega is here on challenging a democrat incumbent who has been in lockstep with president biden an astonishing 100% of the time life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop it no ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop ♪ ♪ keep it comin' ♪ it's back america. applebee's all you can eat boneless wings. just $12.99. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. ♪ pop rock music ♪
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maria: congressman, what do you make of this, the fact that the president is constantly attacking maga, he's trying to make maga appear extreme? and he keeps doing it. how is the support in the black community, for example, for maga and conservative voters? >> i think what you're seeing across the country is you're seeing a lot of voters, black men, voters of latin descent, hispanic voters, they're starting to go down the america first line, maga line, because
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what they want is an america that just works. they want an america where the political foolishness in washington, d.c. is at anen end. joe biden is -- an end. joe biden is the embodiment of political foolishness. sean: that's florida republican congressman byron donalds last week as the gop seeks to wrestle control of the house from speaker nancy pelosi and the democrats in the midterms. fox news' latest power ranks for the house shows there are 28 seats in the toss-up column with 12 leans. one seat that's currently leaning for democrats is virginia's 7th congressional district. abigail spanberger is facing yesli vega, a mill military wife and mother and law enforcement officer. yesli, great to see you. i ran against a 42-year incumbent in 2010 and won. it was a great cycle for republicans then and now. what are you picking up on the
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campaign trail? what do the voters care about that you're hearing? >> voters are excited to support our candidacy, sean. i can tell you we certainly have the momentum. every single day that i'm out on campaign trail, i'm encouraged, i'm fired up because of the stories that i'm hearing from americans who are just sick and tired of the radical left's tax and spend agenda. and they're to restore common sense washington, and they know that i'm the person to get it done. sean: what i find interesting is, you know, to win a seat like yours -- and, again, if you win in virginia 7, the district that you're running in, that means a great night for republicans. but to win a seat light that -- like that, you have to win independents and some democrats. are you seeing even some democrats soften up to you whether it's on education, inflation, crime or the border? are you seeing democrats saying, you know, i might consider yesli vega? >> absolutely. you know, i ran in 2019. i serve on the board of county supervisors here in prince
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williams county, and i have a record that i'm proud of. i have independents and democrats that supported me 2019, and when hay heard i was running for congress, they were one of first to e-mail me, send me messages on social media saying i had their support because they know i will deliver. and listen, if we learned anything this past november, it's to be a little skeptical about polling. sean: that's right. >> polls showed that the gwen youngkin was -- glenn youngkin was down, and look what happened. that's exactly what's going to happen come november if 8th. sean: it's interesting when you have the view of virginia, you saw, again, republicans usually get women, democrats usually get women, but you saw -- women, moms, come out and vote republican. you see those?? --
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>> i'm having conversations with parents and grand parents who who want to put the children's education before political agendas. absolutely, we're having those conversations about faking politics out of the classroom -- taking politics out of the classroom. as a mother, i have every right to know what's going on with my children's education. sean: all right. we'll have more with congressional candidate yesli vega in just moments. you're watching "sunday morning futures" right here, right now on fox. and be sure to catch "mornings with maria" every weekday from 6-9 a.m. on fox business. ♪ new astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid free spray. while other allergy sprays take hours astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can... astepro and go. heyyy! (steins breaking)
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sean: we are back with virginia
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republican congressional candidate yesli vega. yesl ricks, we've seen trump -- i'm sorry, the biden administration try to demonize maga and republican, say they're extremists anded radical ls. does that work on the campaign trail in virginia in. >> it's not. you have biden administration trying to do everything or to distract voters from their catastrophic failures that we've seen over the last couple of years. we had a crumbling economy, a wide open border, crime that is skyrocketing. the cost of living is also through the roof, so they're trying to distract the voters from their failures, and we're not going to low that to happen. yesli vega, sean, is on the ballot this coming november. we're talking about the issues that matter to the 7th district and how we're going to take our country back and restore standing. those are the conversations we're having. sean: i love when i look at house republicans versus democrats in the house. you have this young movement in house republicans where with democrats, they're old, they've been around a long time.
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nancy pelosi was in congress in 1987, steny if hoyer since 1981. hay don't leave these positions. -- they don't leave these positions, they stay there forever. i think it's important to get fresh, new, young blood in congress with a different background, law enforcement, mothers to shake things up. >> absolutely. you know, that's why i believe that term limits is important, because you have people like abigail spanberger, nancy pelosi who have become career politicians. they talk so much about empowering women that look like me that have such a powerful story to tell, so i tell abigail span if berger, drop out of this race, let strong conservative latina get to congress and work on behalf of the 7th district. sean: yesli, i love that. get out of the race and support yesli vega for congress. >> that's right. sean: good luck in the race and i appreciate you joining me today on "sunday morning futures." >> thank you, sean. folks can visit our web site at
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yesli to help us fight. sean: all right. that does it for us. i am sean duffy in for maria bartiromo. be sure to check out my podcast, from the kitchen table, it's available wherever you get your downloads or on fox news i want to thank maria for letting me fil not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! breakthrough heartburn... means your heartburn treatment is broken. try zegerid otc. it contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc.
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a race against time to find tennessee mother eris was abducted while jogging early friday morning the suspect has done time for a prior kidnapping her conviction. hello, welcome to another hour of "fox news live". i am sean maloney. before i am tom emmer. eric and arthel are off this weekend. the search for 34-year-old eliza fletcher is now in its third d day. police arrested a suspect yesterday but still do not know where he is. former boston police chief said he believes there may be more than one


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